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CRCI2NA’ Cell Communication Club, January 27th, 11 a.m.

We’ll talk about the dialogue between the vascular microenvironment and the tumor. Come join us!

Intercellular Communication Club proposes to meet on Friday at 11am room 635, IRS-UN.

Isabelle Corre (Team 6), Sara Rosinska (Team 6) and Lucas Treps (Team 1) will lead the session. You are all welcome!

We look forward to hearing from you,

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Our new review published in J. Interferon Cytokine Res.!

We reviewed the different approaches developed to selectively inhibit IL-15 action in order to reduce its harmful effect in diseases. You are welcome to read it, it’s in free access!

Note: One of our illustration is on the cover!!

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The Mocka Lab wishes you a Happy New Year 2023 😊 !!

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CRCI2NA’ Cell Communication Club, September 16th, 11 a.m.

We’ll talk about the crosstalk between cancer cells and immune cells in the tumor microenvionement with Nicolas Boisgerault, team 1. Come join us!

Intercellular Communication Club proposes to meet on Friday Sept. 16th. at 11am room 635, IRS-UN.

We look forward to hearing from you,

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CRCI2NA’ Cell Communication Club, June 17th, 11 a.m.

We’ll talk about exosomes and flow cytometry. Come join us!

Intercellular Communication Club proposes to meet on Friday at 11am room 635, IRS-UN.

We will discuss the latest advances and future possibilities of microvesicles analysis by flow cytometry. Delphine Fradin (Team 1), Laetitia Guevel (Team 6) and Erwan Mortier (Team 12/ Mocka) will lead the session. You are all welcome!

We look forward to hearing from you,

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Today, June 15th, Jimmy defends his thesis!

When: Wednesday, June 15th, 2022, 14 p.m.

Where: Faculty of Science, Amphi G, Bld 28.

Title: Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Small Molecule Inhibitors of the Interleukin (IL)-15 System. 

Abstract: Interleukin (IL)-15, is a pleiotropic cytokine structurally close to IL-2, both sharing the IL-2Rβ and γc receptor subunits. IL-15 plays important roles in innate and adaptative immunity, supporting the activation and proliferation of NK, NK-T, and CD8+ T cells. In case of dysregulation, high levels of IL-15 have been detected, leading to abnormal immune responses and autoimmune or inflammatory diseases such as polyarthritis rheumatoid or psoriasis. Hence, our goal is to synthesize small molecule inhibitors that bind specifically to IL15 on the IL-2Rβ interface. Herein, we describe two new families of IL-15 inhibitors.  Taking advantage of our previous work, extending modifications were done on our first series called IBI. On a second time, we applied a similar docking-based virtual screening of compounds libraries on a refined pharmacophore-based on IL-15 specific residues identified on the binding site of IL-15 with IL- 2Rβ giving so our second family named IBIS. These series of compounds were evaluated for their capacity to inhibit the binding to IL-15 to its cognate receptor, as well as the down-stream signaling of IL-15-dependent cells and their proliferation 
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New article published in Frontiers in Immunology!

The Mocka Lab just published a new article published in the Journal « Frontiers in Immunology »

Selective Targeting of IL-15Rα Is Sufficient to Reduce Inflammation. Meghnem D., Maillasson M., Barbieux I., Morisseau S., Keita D., Jacques Y., Quéméner A., and Mortier E. Front. Immunol. 13:886213.

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The CRCI2NA has his new logo!

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Our new research topic in Frontiers in Immunology has just been launched!

We are delighted to let you know that our new research topic « Modulating Cytokines as Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer: Volume II » is now open for submission at the « Cytokines and Soluble Mediators in Immunity » section of Frontiers in Immunology!

Topic Editors: Gaby Palmer (University of Geneva, Switzerland), Sheela Ramanathan (University of Sherbrooke, Canada) and Erwan Mortier (Nantes University, CNRS, Inserm, France)

The Research Topic web page can be found here.

If you are in the scope, please feel free to submit your work (Articles, Review)!

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Happy New Year 2022!!