Our collaborative work on IL-34’s topic, coordinated by Dr. Carole Guillonneau and Dr. Ignacio Anegon, from the CRTI (Research Center in Transplanation and Immunology, Inserm UMR1064) has been selected and funded by the LabEx IGO.
The consortium includes:
- CRTI, Team 2 / Dr. C. Guillonneau and Dr. I. Anegon (Inserm UMR1064, University of Nantes)
- CRCINA, Team 1, Mocka Lab / Dr. E. Mortier and A. Quéméner (Inserm UMR1232, CNRS ERL-6001, University of Nantes)
- CRCINA, Team 4 / Dr. C. Blanquart (Inserm UMR1232, CNRS ERL-6001, University of Nantes)
- and other labs from Australia, Uruguay, US and AbolerIS Pharma company.